Sunday, October 16, 2016

Gender Relevance in the Election

       In Jill Soloway's article Donald Trump, Locker Rooms and Toxic Masculinity, she argues that the "locker room talk" enables men to objectify women because it is a place that tolerates this kind of behavior. Men are quick to talk about woman in a degrading way but, as she mentions, you will never hear them refer to one anothers female wife, daughter, or sister. This kind of behavior is tolerated because it's done in the gender specific privacy of men who "would never betray their membership in the man’s club to admit." (Soloway) This can be connected directly to Donald Trump and his many statements regarding women that are degrading in many ways. Trump is a very outspoken candidate that has no issue spitting out the sexist remarks on live television. The audio clip they have of Trump talking about groping women and kissing women without consent as something that was simply "locker room talk". He refers to it as locker room talk several times as an attempt to justify his actions, which in my opinion causes him to become an enabler. 

"White cis able-bodied educated males from the ruling class are at the top, holding nearly all of the power of the planet. You get access to this power if you’re married or related to one of these men. As you head down the pyramid, by daring to be perhaps — an unrelated white woman without a ring or poise, or gosh, a black woman, or a queer person or a trans person or a disabled person, your fall speeds up exponentially. " 

                    Soloway continues that if you do not fall under this category you seem to become lower and lower on the on the pyramid which then,"Your legal rights drop away. Your safety. Your body rights drop away. You are not a body, you are a piece of a body now, you are being murdered slowly, with words and ideas." This also relates to SCWAAMP which is exactly what the quote above is saying. Anyone who is straight, catholic, white, able bodied, American, male, and has property fits into the perfect umbrella that Trump is trying to create. This has everything to do with the election because we are dealing with people's rights, and safety regardless of their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Trump is an example of a cis able-bodied educated male from the ruling class who has a considerable amount of power and could potentially be leading our country. In my opinion I would not want someone like Donald Trump who does not take into consideration the fact he is justifying his actions which ultimately says "it's okay to talk about women in this way, it's only locker room talk", when millions of people will be following him. Along with the idea that not all people will feel represented in our country or feel that there is true equality amongst us.

In the article, Hillary Clinton Raises Her Voice, and a Debate Over Speech and Sexism Rage

opinions of her as a presidential candidate. 

“It is 2016 and I cannot believe — cannot believe — we are having this conversation,” said Stephanie Schriock, the president of the group Emily’s List, which works to elect female candidates, in an interview. If Mrs. Clinton is shouting, “what is Bernie Sanders doing?” she asked.

It is a great question to ask because it is absolutely true that Bernie Sanders projects his voice to almost a shout. Because Hillary Clinton has the real potential of becoming elected, she is viewed as a threat especially being a woman. This can be connected back to Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us by Linda Christensen that touches upon the notion that women are portrayed in Disney movies to be lower than men and rely on their looks to succeed. Basically "We are taught, more than anything else, how to not rebel"and Hillary Clinton is defying this idea and is speaking out. Hillary also snaps back at Bernie Sanders when she says, "sometimes when a woman speaks out, some people think it’s shouting", regarding the comments of her delivery of speeches. This election has a great deal regarding gender considering we have a legitimate potential female president on our way, however, her delivery of speeches regarding volume should have no negative impact on her election. This race should be legitimately equal amongst the candidates taking away focus on the male and female differences. 


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